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Rotham City

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Melanie Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:21 pm

He11ix... I thought you were Lord Abyssal, not Lord Asaroth. Which one? I needa make sure I don't screw up again.
Kaie (It's Kaie) stares at the boulder, and then looks at Alex.

"Amazing," she breathes. Kaie looks back at the water. A huge wave makes it's way across the water, eventually crashing into a huge wall of water that was created to block it. Kaie grins at her water creations, and turns back to Alex.

"Are we the only ones that can do things like this?"

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Triton Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:25 pm

"I dont think so. Ive seen some scary stuff on the news these days. I heard that some guy in Kings, New Yore named Skeeter Larker got bit by a mutant mosquito and hes calling himself Mosquito Man now."

OOC:lol all Spider man parodies

Kings, New Yore:Queens, New York

Skeeter Larker:Peter Parker

Mosquito Man:Spider Man

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Melanie Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:36 pm

Skeeter Larker... clever.

Kaie nods once, slowly. "That's a little disturbing. Nothing like that happens here, does it?"

Fero brushes under Alex's hand and then crawls up his arm, perching on his shoulder.

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  He11ix Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:38 pm

Sorry, 5th time I mixed them up. 1st time I Why did I have to make their names so dang similar...

"There are indeed more in this city as well, and the way that they got their powers can be just as disturbing." Kaie and Alex turn to see a man in a black robe. His face isn't visible. "This town has quite a few people with powers. Some good, some evil. You, I am presuming, would be good, based on how you are getting along so well. Those who are evil dont really get along with anyone, not even other villans. When they do get together, chances are that they are plotting to destroy eachother in the end. You can never trust anyone. Villans are masters of deception. Of course, I can't tell for sure whether you two are villans or heroes. So, good luck with sorting that out." The hooded man walks off.

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Triton Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:44 pm

"0_o well that was odd. Who was that guy anyways?"

Alex looks up to see an oversized mosquito flying away


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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Melanie Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:46 pm

So it's Abyssal?
Kaie glances at Alex and then at where the man disappeared. She hold up a finger, signalling the 'hold on' gesture. She gets up runs up to the man in the black robe and makes him turn around.

"Hold up. What do you mean, you can't trust anyone?" Kaie glances at Alex, who is holding her precious pet ferret. "And what are you talking about, heroes and villains..? Is Rotham some Superhero hideout?" Her eyes widen as she realizes that it is, in fact, a place for Superheroes. She shudders and yanks Fero from Alex's shoulder. Kaie glances back at the two and then bolts through the forest, back to her cabin.

Cannot trust anybody... Sounds like those people in Ireland! I can't go anywhere...

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Triton Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:52 pm

"Wait.....No dont run!"

Alex is to late and Kaie runs away to the forest

Alex is enraged and stares at the hooded man

"What did you do!? We were bonding and you ruined it!"

Alex gets irrate and starts to transform.

His hair grows longer and turns white all his clothing turns gothic and a black sword appears in his hand

"Yea Im out of there!"

Adrenaline looks at the man
"You musta made him really angry. Hmmmm im supposed to lose control right about.....

Adrenaline flashes and is now controlled by Triton rather than himself

"Time to fight"

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  He11ix Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:02 pm

The hooded figure turns around. The sun begins to set, and the moon arises. "Idf you want a fight, then you have incredible timing." A black fog slowly comes out of the hood, and the robe begins to collapse on the ground. The black fog swirls around Adrenaline, then forms into a strange creature. It looks almost human, but with a ghostlike tail, a head that resembles a fire, and large claws. It zooms past Adrenaline rapidly, slashing each time.

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Triton Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:04 pm

Adrenaline tries to protect himself with his sword and slashes at the beast but nothing happens. Adrenaline is then knocked out and losing blood rapidly turning the sand red.

Adrenaline then starts reverting back into Alex who is still bleeding and unconscious

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Melanie Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:09 pm

"Fero, come here!" "Fero!" Fero scampers back on to the beach quickly. Kaie comes into view in a few seconds, pouncing at Fero. She misses, and Fero stands on his hind legs as if to taunt her. Kaie looks up at the hooded man, and looks at Alex. Her eyes widen, and she glares back at the hooded one. Kaie lunges to her feet, and a huge wave of water splashes on the hooded man. A powerful jet of water shoots at him. It's harmless, but she tries it anyways. Kaie lets that distract him while she slings Alex over her shoulder and bounds back into the forest with Fero on Alex's head. She heads back to her cabin.

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  He11ix Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:20 pm

He isn't wearing the robe anymore... he is a darkness creature at the moment.

The water falls right through him. Lord Abyssal looks over at the running Kaie, and turns away. He flows back into the robe so that he looks like a person again. He turns back to Kaie before the two of them get out of earshot. "I WASN'T LYING WHEN I TOLD YOU NOT TO TRUST ANYONE! NOT EVEN THE FERRET! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!"

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Melanie Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:31 pm

Damn it... I screwed up again.
From the forest, Lord Abyssal hears the faint voice of Kaie: "SHUT UP!!!"

In a while, Kaie is kicking the door of her cabin open and putting the unconcious Alex on her couch. She pulls up a small table and goes into the kitchen. Kaie fills up a glass of cold water and sets it on the table, then looks at Fero. He's nuzzled up under Alex's chin. Kaie shakes her head and searches for her emergency kit that she hadn't even unpacked yet. That doesn't go well.

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  DracostheStrong Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:17 am

As Lord Abyssal turned around to leave the now empty beach he saw ShadowFrost standing a mere 2-3 yards away. How had he gotten so close without being heard?

interesting, another villain
could cramp your style...we should eliminate him
as much as I agree...I doubt we could at this stage of our developement
speak or he'll kill you most likely.

"Good fight?"

...well come to think of it, what else could he had said?
...nothing really...doesn't make it not pitiful

"interesting powers you have. somewhat a complete body form of this arm."

ShadowFrost turns his arm into a scimitar, and readies his lazer blade in the other...unactivated. He was observing his scimitar arm.

"So, what types of crimes do you take up on...and met any real heroes yet? Let alone any normal people?"

Shhhhh...somethings odd is in the air
so whats with the shhhh?
he was killing it.

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  He11ix Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:37 am

"*sigh* I have no time for the lin=kes of you. If you really want someone to fight..." Lord Abyssal raises his hand, and ShadowFrost's shadow starts to move on it's own. It rises off the ground. "Fight him." Lord Abyssal walks away into the street, then vanishes.

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Zak Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:00 pm

Zak stops his bike and walks into a bar.

Bartender-"what can i get you?"

Zak-"just a beer"

Bartender opens a beer and puts it on the counter. The TV is turned on to the news...a robbery/arson.

Bartender-"you new around here?"

Zak-"Yeah i just got an apartment downtown"

Bartender-"You're a brave one hehe, crime has almost doubled in downtown...Its sad if you ask me"

Zak-"What kind of crime?"

Bartender-"Bank robberies, murder, you name it and the police don't have the man power to stop them"

Zak looks at the TV, then puts a fifty dollar bill on the counter and walks out to his motorcycle again.

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Roh Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:40 pm

Using his stealth none of the heroes or villains notice someone was following them and spying on them.

Roh: "Interesting."

Silently jumps keeping his distance from them

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Melanie Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:50 pm

In ten minutes or so, Kaie is carrying the emergency kit back to Alex. She groans at the still-bleeding wounds on him and opens the kit. Kaie wraps up his arm and wipes the blood off of all the wounds. She gets done and sets the kit in a cabinet, then kneels down by the couch again.

This sucks... I hate looking after people in comas. This is the sixth time or so... At least I'm experienced. And at least this guy is actually nice and doesn't smell like shit and beer.

Kaie smiles to herself leans against the couch arm. She eventually falls asleep with Fero in her lap.

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Nat Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:01 pm

i leave for a day and u guys post 3 PGS?!


Nat teleports from the dock to town and walks slowely to a local shop

she picked out a pair of green and silver sunglasses and a small pin in the shape of a crown

she went to the counter to pay

"that will be $15.95" said the clerk

Nat checked her pockets to see that she only had a $5

Nat looked behind herself
when she didnt see anyone(or so she thought),she turned back to the clerk and stared at him

her eyes suddenly turned metalic green and her pupals widaned

the clerk looked at her,mezmorized

in a slow,seductive tone,Nat said "how bout u make the items free and u forget i ever came?"

the clerk nodded and gave her the stuff

she put them in a black and white purse and her eyes went back to normal
"thank you,come again" said the clerk,still dazed

"no...thank you" Nat said with a grin

she walked out before the clerk went back to reality

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Triton Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:09 pm

Alex awakens in a cabin and sees Fero nuzziling under his chin

"Fero? Where am I?"

Alex tries to get back up but he hears a cracking noise and falls back down


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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Melanie Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:13 pm

Kaie flinches, and her eyelids flip open.

"Huh- what?" She looks up and sees Alex, freaking out. Kaie grins and rests on her knees, handing the glass of water to Alex. She stares at his arm now. It's limp and nearly split in two. Kaie retrieves her kit again and wraps up his arm. She watches him and Fero for a moment, and then starts walking around restlessly.

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Triton Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:24 pm

whoops Fero was with you lol

Alex is trembling on the bed

"why....why did you run off? you think you couldnt trust me?"

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Melanie Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:30 pm

Well, I fell asleep, so Fero could've moved again. And you're on a couch, not a bed. Razz

Kaie looks down at her hands and sighs.

"I... I don't know... I just moved from a place where drunk men were hitting on me and trying to kidnap me, so I don't know what to believe right now..." Kaie glances at Alex and shudders. She looks down at her hands again. "I'm sorry... I trust you now, though. I guess I'm just a little paranoid.."

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Triton Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:36 pm

Alex sighs and tries to stop trembling and looks at his arm

"0_o..................wa-wat happened to my arm?this cant be happening! why is my arm split in two????"

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Melanie Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:41 pm

Kaie shrugs slightly and eyes his arm. "Your fight with that guy in black probably had something to do with it. And then you tried to sit up, and then it cracked... But you have powers. It should heal faster than a human would heal." She leans against the side of the couch and plays with one of her strands of hair thoughtfully. "How many of us do you think exist in Rotham?"

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

Post  Triton Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:46 pm

"Heroes? Proabably at least a hundred, two hundred. The world is filled with heroes some who have powers some without. Ever head about Patman? He's a hero without powers." Alex looks at his arm and he uses his other hand to put water on it which begins to heal his arm

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Rotham City - Page 2 Empty Re: Rotham City

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